Elevate your
customer experience

Measure how happy your users are in all moments of their customer journeys.

Fully understand how
your users are feeling

Continuously collect NPS and CSAT scores. Group results based on user segments to get a better understanding of how your product is doing.

Share simple and powerful visuals with your team

Invite stakeholders and team members to review your customer experience health. Identify problems and create plans to improve your scores.

Boost your customer experience over time

Keep track of your sentiment and satisfaction scores over time. Identify changes and build plans to continue to strengthen your user satisfaction metrics.

Resources on

Articles and guides on using Hubble's NPS & CSAT Feature 🚀


What our customers say

"Hubble has been phenomenal in helping us improve our seller experience. It's really easy to export the feedback data to our data repositories."

Boram Chung
Chief Product Officer @ IDUS

“Hubble has everything that we need to make data driven decisions for our product design.”

Bryan Le

UX Designer @ Ro
Fmr. Head of Design @ Gooddog

"We absolutely love how Hubble can handle all our user feedback needs through one unified platform."

Corriene Friesen
VP of Product @ Tactiq

“A recent in-product survey we ran with great success was asking users a multiple choice question on which products they would like to see next. We were all surprised by the results as the most voted options didn’t include any of the products we initially expected.”

Sandra Li
Product Manager @ Northspyre

Empower your team with continuous CSAT & NPS

Talk to our team today to start measuring your customer experience.