Analysis & Reporting

Share user insights with your team

Share your research insights with anyone on your team. Provide results and data for your stakeholders.

Share data with
powerful visualization

Beautiful charts and tables to monitor your user experience at all times. Share reports and insights with your stakeholders without spending time on Google Slides.

Export your feedback data

Download CSV and Excel summaries for your surveys responses. Connect your favorite data and documentation platforms to Hubble.

Maintain a single source of truth for all types of research

Manage both internal and external participants in once place. Keep a record of their participation and results so that you can contact them again.

Resources on
Analysis & Reporting 📚

Articles and guides on using Hubble's Analysis & Reporting 🚀


What our customers say

“Hubble has everything that we need to make data driven decisions for our product design.”

Bryan Le

UX Designer @ Ro
Fmr. Head of Design @ Gooddog

"Hubble has been phenomenal in helping us improve our seller experience. It's really easy to export the feedback data to our data repositories."

Boram Chung
Chief Product Officer @ IDUS

"We absolutely love how Hubble can handle all our user feedback needs through one unified platform."

Corriene Friesen
VP of Product @ Tactiq

"I love the data visualization and the reporting features. Our research turnaround time has been reduced significantly after adopting Hubble."

Joyce Iong
UX Designer @ Covered

Get started with
analysis and reporting

Share the best insights with your team.