👋🏻 Introduction
❓ In the past 12 months, how often have you booked a stay online?
Single Select
❓ What do you value when choosing a place to stay?
Multi Select
✍️ Imagine you are trying to [visit a new city]
Text Statement
🧪 Task A. Please try to [book a new hotel]
Prototype Task
❓ Overall, how difficult or easy was this task to complete?
Numerical Scale
❓ Please elaborate on why you gave the following rating.
🧪 Task B. Please try to [book a new hotel]
Prototype Task
❓ Overall, how difficult or easy was this task to complete?
Numerical Scale
❓ Please elaborate on why you gave the following rating.
❓ Select A, B or a  combination of A & B
Image Preference
❓ Please elaborate on your choice.
👋🏻 Thank you
Wireframe TESTING

Run a wireframe A/B preference test

Don't wait until the last minute to validate your design concepts. Ensure the viability of your early-stage outlines before proceeding with implementation. By allocating resources wisely to the most promising projects, you can maximize efficiency and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Study objectives

  • Validate your assumptions and test multiple design concepts with preference test. A prototype does not necessarily need to be a fully functional, high-fidelity model, as long as it effectively conveys the intended value and purpose.
  • Gather user feedback to integrate the most effective elements from multiple design concepts. When conducting an A/B preference test, the goal isn't always to choose one option over the other, but rather to consider a combination of both.
  • Visualize how users would interact with your prototype through path analysis and heat maps.

Test multiple design concepts early on

Test your design concepts early on in the development to validate your assumptions

Best practices for conducting wireframe preference testing

  • Start early to stay flexible: Initiate A/B preference testing at the low fidelity stage of wireframing. Testing at this early stage allows for greater flexibility to incorporate changes based on user feedback. Remember, a prototype need not be high fidelity; what matters most is effectively conveying the value and purpose of the design concept to users.

  • It’s not always about A or B: In preference testing, avoid the binary approach of choosing one design over the other. Instead, consider the possibility of combining elements from both designs to create an optimal solution. Dive deep into qualitative feedback to gain insights into users' ideal preferences and requirements.
  • Iterate design concepts: Continuously iterate on your design concepts as you progress through the development process. Incorporate user feedback frequently to refine and enhance wireframe designs.

Getting started


Create an account and log in to your Hubble account.


Find and select the template to use.


Import Figma prototypes and edit the questions as you see fit.


Run pilot tests with internal users (ideally, people that are not a part of your project).


Preview the study and check if you need to make any last minute changes.


Publish the study and wait for the results to come in.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a wireframe preference test, and why is it conducted?

A wireframe preference test is a method used in user research to gather feedback on different wireframe designs or prototypes and determine which design users prefer. It helps designers understand user preferences, make informed design decisions, and create more user-centric products.

What should I consider when designing wireframe preference tests?

When designing wireframe preference tests, consider factors such as the number of wireframes to test, the specific design elements or features to compare, the criteria for evaluating preferences (e.g., ease of use, clarity, aesthetics), and the target audience for the test.

How do I recruit participants for prototype testing?

By setting up studies in Hubble, you can easily share the study links with your participants. Hubble also offers participant recruitment panel that has access to over 3 million users around the world.

What tasks should participants perform during a wireframe preference test?

Participants should be asked to review and compare different wireframe designs or prototypes and provide feedback on their preferences. Tasks may include identifying strengths and weaknesses of each design, evaluating usability, and explaining reasons for their preferences.

Other Study Templates

Evaluate and optimize your app's sign-up flow

Test variations of wireframes to gauge users' preferences

Collect feedback on your low-fidelity wireframe and prototypes

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Test multiple design concepts early on

Test your design concepts early on in the development to validate your assumptions